Seeking help with HRT shortages
HRT shortages are a huge source of anxiety and frustration for women going through the perimenopause and menopause. For menopause specialists like myself it is also frustrating to be working with limitations on prescribing options when there are so many excellent forms of HRT that we can provide to women who were perhaps previously denied treatment. Transdermal oestrogen which includes gel, patch and spray forms of estradiol (body identical form of oestrogen) are the safest way to administer oestrogen as part of HRT and are not associated with any significantly increased risk of thrombosis or stroke. There has been a significant increase in HRT prescriptions over the past five years with the average monthly HRT prescriptions more than doubling from 238,000 to 538,000. It is wonderful that so many more women are asking for help about the menopause but certain products are proving increasingly difficult to source. These include gel forms of oestrogen in particular Oestrogel, and the manufacture of Oestrogel recently shared this update.
Statement for HCPs from Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd regarding Oestrogel® (estradiol) Pump-pack supply:
We regret this ongoing situation regarding insufficient supplies of Oestrogel into the UK. We continue to receive deliveries of Oestrogel, nevertheless we acknowledge that the current supply is insufficient to meet the extraordinary demand we are experiencing.
We are doing everything we can to manage, increase and expedite supplies to pharmacies across the country and are expecting significant volumes of Oestrogel during the forthcoming weeks. Further supplies will continue to arrive and will be released to wholesalers upon arrival for distribution across the country.
Besins are acutely aware of the impact this situation is having on patients and understand that they may be worried about fulfilling their Oestrogel prescription. We are committed to communicating any significant changes of supply with patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders.
I am delighted that Madeline McTernan, Vaccine Taskforce Director General, has been appointed to address the shortages of HRT nationally and that this is being seen as a priority by the Government. There are however other suitable forms of HRT that women can use if their preferred product is unavailable. The chart below provides an easy conversion for medical professionals to prescribe a suitable alternative HRT.
The manufacturers of HRT are working towards increasing supplies nationally, and I would advise women not to stop or reduce their medication if they are running low as this may worsen symptoms or lead to bleeding issues. Please consult your GP or menopause specialist if you have any concerns.
To book either an face-to-face or virtual consultation with Oxford Menopause simply click here to book online or call us today on 07515 560870.