Menopause and Women’s Health Consultations

  • Initial consultation fee - £250

    Up to 60 minutes (in person at The Carriage House Clinic or via video link). This includes a detailed letter summarising your consultation (and copied to your GP with your consent) and one follow-up email if you have any additional questions within eight weeks of your initial consultation. These appointments are best suited for people wanting to explore and discuss:

    Peri-menopause, menopause, premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMS and PMDD), pelvic pain or pain during/after sex and menstrual issues (heavy bleeding, painful periods or irregular bleeding).

  • Follow-up consultation fee - £195

    Up to 30 minutes (in person at The Carriage House Clinic or via video link) to review your treatment. This includes a further letter summarising your consultation (and copied to your GP with your consent).

  • Telephone call - £95

    Up to 15 mins to ask short queries to your doctor. This includes a further letter summarising your consultation (and copied to your GP with your consent).

  • Women’s Health Appointments - £150

    Up to 30 minutes (in person at The Carriage House Clinic). Women’s Health Appointments are suitable for the following issues:

    • Contraception advice  - including initial consultation for implant and intrauterine device (coil) fittings

    • Vaginal discharge, soreness or itching

    • Urinary issues – including urinary leakage (incontinence), pain, infection

    • Vaginal prolapse

For Private GP appointments please visit
our sister service
The Carriage House Clinic.

IUD/IUS (coil) fitting procedures

We offer contraceptive implant fittings at the clinic and also intrauterine devices (coils) for contraception, managing bleeding issues and as part of hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

These appointments cannot be made online, but please telephone the clinic if you would like to book a device fitting on 01235 634606 and we can arrange a suitable appointment for you.

  • Existing patients (who have already had a consultation to assess suitability) - £395

    This includes the cost of the device, an appointment to fit the device with your specialist and a follow-up (15 minute) ‘coil check’ appointment 4-6 weeks after your coil has been fitted.

  • New patients - £545

    This includes an initial consultation (up to 30 minutes, either in person, via video link), the cost of the device, an appointment to fit the device with your specialist and a follow-up (15 minute) ‘coil check’ appointment 4-6 weeks after your coil has been fitted.

    If for any reason the device cannot be fitted during the appointment there will be a charge of £195 for the time and expertise of the doctor.

Hormone implant procedures

Contraceptive Implants

  • Existing patients (who have already had a consultation to assess suitability) - £369

    This includes the cost of the device and an appointment to fit the device with your specialist.

  • New patients - £495

    This includes an initial consultation (up to 30 minutes, either in person, via video link or telephone call), the cost of the device and an appointment to fit the device with your specialist.

  • Implant removal - £349

    This includes a telephone call (up to 15 mins) to discuss the procedure and an appointment to remove the implant with your specialist.

Estradiol (HRT) Implants

  • Implant fitting appointment - £395

    This fee includes the implant and the appointment to fit the implants with your specialist (a prior consultation is required in addition to determine suitability for implant fitting).


Blood tests are usually not necessary to diagnose menopause, your doctor may request certain blood tests to help guide treatment or understand more about your health. Our team of health care assistants undertake phlebotomy services at the clinic, this can be arranged on the day of your appointment if you are attending the clinic or at any other time the clinic is open. The fees include the phlebotomy appointment with the Health Care Assistant, the laboratory processing fee and a letter documenting your results and any resulting advice.

  • HRT monitoring (serum estradiol) - £50

  • Testosterone monitoring (serum testosterone) - £65

  • Initial testosterone assessment (serum testosterone and SHBG) - £100

  • Vitamin D - £50

  • Full Blood Count - £45

  • Iron Studies - £95

  • Thyroid profile (T3, T4, TSH) - £90

  • STI (Sexually transmitted infections) screen- £250

  • Cervical screening - £195 (includes the appointment with our specialist and the laboratory processing fee) or £150 if included as part of a consultation.

Prices for other investigations are available on request, Contact us for more details

Administrative Fees

  • Private prescription fee - £35

    Medication costs are not included in this fee and are paid to the pharmacy directly.

  • Letter charge - £35

    If you require a referral for onward investigations, referral to external hospital specialists or a private letter for another reason, this charge will be applied.

  • Email correspondence - £35

    Your first consultation fee includes one follow-up email if you have any additional questions within eight weeks of your initial consultation. Further email communication incurs a fee. If you have lots of additional questions, the clinicians may suggest scheduling a follow-up consultation to address any queries with you in detail. We aim to respond to any email queries as quickly as possible, please allow up to 5 working days for a response.

Payment for consultations must be received in full prior to your appointment.

Charges for prescriptions, letters or blood tests should be paid in full on the day of your appointment. Medication costs are payable directly to the pharmacy.

Oxford Menopause Ltd reserves the right to change any of our advertised prices without prior notice. Prices for further necessary investigations available on request.